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War Party Watch: Mapping Conservative
Attacks on
Indigenous Lands

Weapons of Knowledge in the Battle for Sovereignty

How the Map works

Welcome to the War Party Map, your personal tool in the fight for Indigenous sovereignty. This map is more than just a collection of points—it’s a weapon in the battle for justice, a tool to hold Conservative politicians accountable for their actions against Indigenous lands and rights.

Here’s how to use it:

Step 1: Understand the Target
Each marker on this map represents a Conservative figure and their track record with Indigenous issues. As you hover over their region, you’ll see a pop-up that reveals their past actions, statements, and decisions that have harmed Indigenous communities—whether through policies, opposition to land rights, or acts of erasure.


Step 2: Dive Deeper into the Details
Click on a target to learn more. You’ll be shown specific instances where they’ve worked against Indigenous interests. These are not just facts; they’re ammunition. Use this information to expose contradictions, call out hypocrisy, and demand accountability. This is your chance to uncover the true cost of their political decisions and challenge them head-on.


Step 3: Take Action
The map isn’t just for knowledge—it’s for action. At the bottom of each profile, you’ll find the Snitch button. When you click it, you’ll be given the chance to send an email directly to me, alerting us to any additional information or actions we need to take. If you have new details, insider knowledge, or examples of these individuals’ continued harm to Indigenous communities, you can use the Snitch button to get it into the right hands.



This map is a living tool—one that will grow as more information is uncovered. Together, we will keep adding to it, and with each new piece of the puzzle, we get closer to holding these politicians accountable.

The War Party Map is more than a resource. It’s a rallying cry. Use it to learn, to inform others, and to take direct action. We are arming ourselves with truth. Now, it’s time to fight back.

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